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WALKING THE PATH OF HEART & HOLINESS: Dawn Star & White Buffalo Woman

Two profound guides have been given us as we walk into this new time of peace, abundance, and loving light. In two different days, Brooke offers you thei

Dawn Star is a native American name for the Christ light who came into the Americas bringing a new message of love at the beginning of the Piscean Age. Our charge is to learn that loving way so that we can move forward into the Aquarian Age in a powerful and transformed way.Brooke will share rich teachings from her FlowerSong lineage about the primacy of the heart and love in our awakening to the Golden Age. More than simple emotion, it is a rich and full pathway to a good and blessed life in which we offer our highest gifts, manifest our dreams, and serve our world.

White Buffalo women brings the feminine teaching of wholeness and holiness, in which we learn the primacy of the Great Spirit in all things. Honoring the oneness through the chanupa (sacred pipe) is a gift she offers us, as we awaken ourselves to the magic and power of holiness. We will learn to open to the Oneness, manifest our dreams through “White Buffalo Woman’s womb”, and walk forward in greater harmony and serve for All Our Relations.

We will complete our time together with a ceremony of commitment to our joyful and heartful service in the world. Come ready to learn, share, travel on shamanic journey, quiet in visioning, as well as chant and dance in sacred circle. 

 Private sessions available, by appointment.

** Tuesday, July 26th: THE TRUE SHAMAN: Carrying the Golden Dream. Private sessions available **

Near Inverness, Scotland: workshops & private sessions. Contact Crystal House, Strathpeffer 01997 421 300, 07890 002 453   relax @crystalhouseretreat.