Cross Cultural Wisdom

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……….. the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity  among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom.    ~ beautiful words attributed to Crazy Horse, Lakota leader


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Brooke agrees with this idea that native people’s teachings can make a critical, positive difference in what happens to all peoples at this time. We must all work together to create a world of sustaining harmony; in this crisis, it is important to not hold anything back that could be helpful. 

In this light, Brooke has for many years taught people around the world the simple and profound lessons that indigenous people have carried. Now, more and more elders are understanding this need, and offering even their special ceremonies for the whole world. 

Ilarion Merculieff, Aleut founder of Wisdom Weavers of the World, has also heard this from the elders of his international circle, and is working cross-culturally (as are many others) to do the healing work that is needed for the sacred Tree of Life to blossom again and the hoop of Life be mended - for All Our Relations.  

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Now is the time for Indigenous Unity in All Ways as We Rise Together + We Are Stronger Together!!!


I am a member of the Crow Tribe in Montana, and have always made it clear that I am not a traditional or tribal teacher. I am an indigenous Earthkeeper - my intention and work have always been to bring harmony and sustainable living to this sweet Earth, working with humans to help awaken them to the critical issues we face now. I have learned from wise ones in many cultures and countries, wishing always to make a positive difference for individuals and for this sweet Earth. 

I work for this Earth I love - for Lady Gaia, and for All Our Relations upon her. In line with something attributed to Crazy Horse when he was asked to lead a major uprising, I sense that “we must make peace and also teach those who would overrun us the true ways of living in harmony. Without that knowledge, we and all our children will be lost.” Our issues are so huge and so critical, that infighting and lack of supportive cooperation only lead to more problems. So much of what primary peoples know is a healing salve for our wounded times. We must work together to have a good and possible life for the generations to come. 

And, I have dealt with those who have chosen to be critical of my sharing, even though they have never met me or participated in what I do.  I was shocked to find that anyone can create a Wikipedia page in my name; those who started mine have chosen to be incredibly negative, AND Wikipedia will not let anyone make any changes or corrections to the incorrect and libelous material there!!  I’m still stunned by that, but I guess that is how they operate.  

In my website section PRAISES, you can look at statements from people who have actually worked with me and known my offerings over 50 years of work in the world. Those do not appear on the surface as often as the negativity from the mud-slingers, who so often will not even reveal their name or engage in meaningful and open-hearted dialogue. 

What I teach of native ways is not much different than what you could get in any college course on Native American studies. I have not given away any secrets, and surely have not made money “selling ceremonies”. I live simply, and now on the land where I was born and raised. What I do know is that when these simple yet proud teachings are put into practice by my students, they make a powerful and positive difference in their lives and the lives around them. 

My current focus is working with women. I brought forth, 25 years ago, information from indigenous wisdom about women’s moon time, and I am joyful to share those empowered ways. Most women are already stressed with the load of work and responsibility they carry, and now as we enter the rising time of the Feminine, are being asked to “save the world”. I believe we have the heart and wisdom to do just that, and I offer empowering support to women that I don’t think they find in many other places. Some of it comes from native ways and much of it from my learning in many cultures. The primary thing is not about offering something native, but offering something that makes a positive difference in the world at this critical time. 

I am clear that I have much to offer both men and women, and would be sad if mis-information kept anyone from receiving these teachings. 

I am 76 years old and the international travel I do is not easy for me, yet it is what I am called to do to make a positive difference with my life energy.  I look forward to continued sharing with those who care to listen and learn, however that may come about. I invite you to join me in this positive work for the world - each of us has a powerful offering to make. Each of your positive gifts to the world will indeed transform life for us all.


In this time when negativity is rampant,  someone occasionally passes around negative and damaging “information” about me from old media sources, including Wikipedia. I understand and appreciate any concerns you have and realize that how you respond to it is an interesting test for you.  I’m clear that my teaching is remarkable and valuable to my students ~ I deeply appreciate your being willing to serve them by bringing my work to them. Old friends and students, these things can be helpful to you, as well. 

Here are suggestions from me and my legal council. Often these people are not willing to reveal their names, have a discussion about it, or check their sources:

A. It’s important that you stand firm and respond to the “someone” who sends or spreads negative info: 

  1. Ask them for their name, and what personal experience they base their judgement on…..

  2. Ask that they investigate the sources of this information: their background, how they personally know my work; and if the information is older, if they have found recent things to corroborate it. — BEFORE they pass this kind of libelous and malicious gossip around.

  3. “Please do come to the teachings and see for yourself, so you will have personal experience rather than media gossip.”

  4. Invite them to come and personally meet with me and you about their concerns. 

  5. “Unless you are personally sure about the facts as stated, you could be doing harm to an indigenous elder. I sense that would not be your intention.”

For your edification: 

  1. Check my ABOUT BROOKE website page, to learn more about me and my global citizen / Earthkeeper approach to teaching and sharing. I DO NOT represent any specific tribe, and have never claimed to…. 

  2. I have learned from traditions around the globe, with the intention of helping anyone who would listen to live better, healthier, more responsibility and sustainably on this sweet Earth. 

  3. To my knowledge I have never harmed indigenous, native, aboriginal or tribal people - instead I have awakened people for 45 years to the simple and profound wisdoms of Earth based peoples who have been good stewards of the land, and people of deep spirit. 

  4. It has always been my stance and will continue to be that people of the world need to learn ways of honoring, respecting and caring for the Earth and All Our Relations, or none of our children will have a decent world to live in. Earth people’s ways are to be respected, AND shared, for the good of all. 

  5. Look at the PRAISES section of my website for endorsements for my over 45 years of teaching on the road - from people who have actually experienced it. 

  6. Ask me for documents showing my tribal affiliation and enrollment., if you don’t believe my statements.

  7. Be aware of how willing you are to stand in positive integrity with what you have discerned, or buy into the negative down-spiral of media gossip.

Interesting facts:

Be clear that WIKIPEDIA is not a reliable source. In my case, someone unknown to me has put up a site with my name, which includes only negative and primarily libelous material.

Media gossip - Once something is out on the airwaves, it is next to impossible to stop it, even though it is false and damaging. Most of the time it is done anonymously, or by someone who claims to be concerned about native peoples but may not know any of the facts. IF YOU KNOW WAYS TO CLEAR THIS KIND OF FALSE INFORMATION, I WOULD BE MOST GRATEFUL TO HEAR THEM! 

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We will be adding to this section with information and ideas to clear mis-understandings and mis-information, and to serve this coming together of all of us who are indigenous. Visit again soon!! 


Upcoming Topics:

+ “CONCILIATION” ~ Mark Charles: "Race, Trauma, and the Doctrine of Discovery" CLICK HERE

+ Indigenous Liberation + Kinship

+ Indigenous Ancestry: Indigenous Community/Family United As One: Blood Quantum, InterTribal Ancestry, Mixed Ancestral Lineages

+ Asking Questions vs. Having the Answers: Indigenous Sacred Councils and the “Old Ways”

+ Indigenous “CONCILIATION” + Reconnection + Reclamation: Reclaiming Our Indigenous Identities Now with Reverence and Respect

“We Reconcile Within, We “Concile” With Each Other” ~ 9/21/22 S.B.

+ Blessings In All Ways, We Are One: Praying for your Adversaries

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NEGATIVE MEDIA: We don’t usually engage with the false and negative “information” out there, yet it seems time to speak. Here are a couple statements that are informative*